Vacation Rental Marketing: How to create a lead magnet to get more email signups

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If you are a member of the RentalPreneurs Club (It’s free to join!), you may have already watched a video where I explain how to create a lead magnet for your vacation rental marketing campaigns.

A lead magnet is a valuable piece of information, for instance an original insider’s guide about your area, whose title is so great that visitors will give away their email address in exchange for it. For instance, I promote such free guides on the Facebook pages or my properties, in my tweets, in the bio of my Instagram accounts, in paid Facebook Ads, etc.

If you want to secure your own vacation rental business, building your list of leads is key: Your emailing list is one the of greatest assets that you can rely on. This is how you can build relationships with potential visitors, past guests, local influencers by regularly sharing great content about your area. By becoming a friendly authority, you remain top of mind for visitors who need to book a rental there at some point.

You can also use your emailing list to send a last-minute offer if you have a sudden cancellation or send an exclusive early-bird offer for people booking next year.

In order for people to be willing to give away their precious email address, some space in their inbox for your messages and some time to read whatever you are sending, you need to offer something of outstanding value. This is your lead magnet.